Unesterified sterols were isolated from 900 mg samples of fat by using a column of digitonin impregnated on Celite 545 (Schwartz et al. 1967. J. Lipid Res. 8:54), and then eluting the sterols with dimethylsulfoxide. The sterols were extracted from the dimethylsulfoxide with hexane-ben-zene mixtures in a condition suitable for analysis by gas-liquid chromatography. The addition of 1% corn, cottonseed, soybean, or peanut oil could be seaily detected by the presence of [beta]-sitosterol. Coconut and safflower oil adulteration were detectable at the 2% level. Because of small amounts of [beta]-sitosterol present in commercial emulsifiers, ice cream fat adulteration with corn, cottonseed, soybean, or peanut oil would be detectable at the 2 to 2.5% level, while coconut and safflower oil adulteration would be detected at the 4 to 5% level.

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