Electrospun nanofibrous polyurethane membrane as wound dressing

Produced via electrospinning, polyurethane membrane, which has a unique property, has been of interest in medical fields. Electrospinning is a process by which nanofibers can be produced by an electrostatically driven jet of polymer solution. Electrospun fibers are collected in the form of membranes. The porous structured electrospun membrane is particularly important for its favorable properties: it exudates fluid from the wound, does not build up under the covering, and does not cause wound desiccation. The electrospun nanofibrous membrane shows controlled evaporative water loss, excellent oxygen permeability, and promoted fluid drainage ability, but still it can inhibit exogenous microorganism invasion because its pores are ultra‐fine. Histological examination indicates that the rate of epithelialization is increased and the dermis becomes well organized if wounds are covered with electrospun nanofibrous membrane. This electrospun membrane has potential applications for wound dressing based upon its unique properties. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 67B: 675–679, 2003