Systemic Prophylactic Antibiotics

• To assess compliance with accepted principles, the use of prophylaxis with systemic antibiotics in selected specialty procedures was examined. The operations reviewed were aortofemoral bypass, pulmonary resections, open-hip procedures, and head-neck cancer procedures that involve the oropharyngeal cavity. Of all patients, 74% received antibiotics preoperatively and 79% received prophylaxis with antibiotics longer than 24 hours postoperatively. Evaluated against the criteria of preoperative initiation and limited postoperative administration (24 hours), only 10% of the patients received appropriate prophylaxis. A 3% incidence of drug-associated complications was identified; each patient with complications had received antibiotics for a prolonged time postoperatively. Reduction in the length of postoperative prophylaxis with systemic antibiotics will reduce (1) the number of drug-associated complications, (2) selection pressures on the hospital microbial population, and (3) needless expense in hospitalized patients. (Arch Surg 1981;116:466-469)