World Health Organization Classification of lymphomas: A work in progress

The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes classification handbooks for all neoplastic diseases. The last WHO Classification of leukemias and lymphomas was published in 1976. Since that time, through cytogenetics and molecular biology, it has been shown that many hematopoietic neoplasms are associated with a unique genetic profile. Similarly, the development of widely available and routinely applied monoclonal antibodies has allowed the identification of a unique immunophenotypicprofile for most leukemias and lymphomas. These techniques have permitted the recognition of a number of distinct disease entities, and also enhance both diagnostic accuracy and reproducibility. The WHO Classification has been developed under the joint auspices of the European Association for Hemato-pathology (EAHP) and the Society for Hematopathology (SH). First organized in 1995, the Steering Committee appointed 10 committees covering T-cell and B-cell lymphomas and leukemias, myeloid and histiocytic tumors. The committees were asked to develop a list of diseases within their topic area, and to establish definitions of each disease according to established criteria. The WHO Classification uses the principles of the R.E.A.L. Classification, which defines each disease according to its morphology, immunophenotype, genetic features, postulated normal counterpart, and clinical features. Morphologic and clinical variants of individual diseases are discussed in the text, and their use is optional. The proposed classification was presented at the USCAP meeting in 1997, the site of the first joint meeting of the EAHP and SH. The presentation was followed by an open forum attended by EAHP and SH members. The Steering Committee also appointed a Clinical Advisory Committee to ensure that the classification meets clinical needs, and to resolve questions of clinical significance. The proposed WHO Classification for lymphomas is similar to the R.E.A.L. Classification for lymphomas, with minor modifications and reassessment of provisional categories based on new data since 1994.