Improved global function and activities of daily living in patients with AD: a placebo-controlled clinical study with the neurotrophic agent Cerebrolysin®

Background: Cerebrolysin® (Cere) is a peptidergic, neurotrophicdrug which has been shown to improve cognitive performance and global function of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients in earlier trials. In this study, we have attempted to replicate this findings with particular emphasis on functional improvement of the patients. Patients and methods: Patients received infusions of 30ml Cere or placebo five days/week for six consecutive weeks. Patients had to have a diagnosis of AD and a MMSE score of 14–25 inclusive. Effects on cognition, global function, and activities of daily living were evaluated 3,6 and 18 weeks after the beginning of the infusions. Results: Significant improvement of cognitive function, clinical global impression and activities of daily living were seen after the end of the therapy. The effects were most pronounced in the DAD score, a measure for the capability to perform activities of daily living. Interestingly, and in line with the findings of earlier studies, the treatment effect of Cere was maintained after cessation of treatment up to the week 18 assessment. Conclusion: The data confirm the findings of earlier trials and clearly demonstrates that Cere leads to functional improvement of patients with AD. The sustained treatment effect of Cere after withdrawal has been confirmed.