Performance characteristics of a microMOSFET as anin vivodosimeter in radiation therapy

The commercially available microMOSFET dosimeter was characterized for its dosimetric properties in radiotherapy treatments. The MOSFET exhibited excellent correlation with the dose and was linear in the range of 5-500 cGy. No measurable effect in response was observed in the temperature range of 20-40 degrees C. No significant change in response was observed by changing the dose rate between 100 and 600 monitor units (MU) min(-1) or change in the dose per pulse. A 3% post-irradiation fading was observed within the first 5 h of exposure and thereafter it remained stable up to 60 h. A uniform energy response was observed in the therapy range between 4 MV and 18 MV. However, below 0.6 MeV (Cs-132), the MOSFET response increased with the decrease in energy. The MOSFET also had a uniform dose response in 6-20 MeV electron beams. The directional dependence of MOSFET was within +/-2% for all the energies studied. The inherent build-up of the MOSFET was evaluated dosimetrically and found to have varying water equivalent thickness, depending on the energy and the side of the beam entry. At depth, a single calibration factor obtained by averaging the MOSFET response over different field sizes, energies, orientation and depths reproduced the ion chamber measured dose to within 5%. The stereotactic and the penumbral measurements demonstrated that the MOSFET could be used in a high gradient field such as IMRT. The study showed that the microMOSFET dosimeter could be used as an in vivo dosimeter to verify the dose delivery to the patient to within +/-5%.