Ocular dominance columns and local projections of layer 6 pyramidal neurons in macaque primary visual cortex

To study the relationship between ocular dominance columns (ODCs) and axonal projections of individual layer 6 pyramidal neurons in the primary visual cortex, neurons were intracellularly labeled with biocytin in live slices prepared from macaque monkeys that had received an intravitreal injection of tetrodotoxin (TTX). The TTX injection indirectly causes a decrease in cytochrome oxidase (CO) expression in the cortical ODCs corresponding to the treated eye (Wong-Riley & Carroll, 1984). Sections from slices with labeled layer 6 neurons were double stained for biocytin and CO, to allow visualization of neuronal processes as well as ODCs. Twenty-seven layer 6 pyramidal neurons in ODC-labeled slices were analyzed. These neurons were classified according to the criteria of Wiser and Callaway (1996). Eight of these are class I neurons, which have dense axonal projections to the monocular layer 4C. The remaining 19 are class II neurons which project primarily to the binocular layers outside 4C. Among class I neurons, two have dense axonal arbors in layer 4Cα (type Iα), one in layer 4Cβ (type Iβ), and two throughout the depth of layer 4C (type IC). None of these neurons have ODC-specific axonal arbors. The remaining three class I neurons have focused axonal projections in layers 4Cβ and 4A (type IβA). All three appear to have axonal arbors predominantly within their home ODC in layer 4C. The axonal arbors of class II neurons do not appear to relate to ODCs in any specific fashion.