Acute Renal Failure Caused by Phenylbutazone

PHENYLBUTAZONE, a congener of aminopyrine, can damage many organs. Injury to the skin,1 , 2 lungs,3 , 4 heart,3 , 4 liver,4 5 6 7 kidneys,3 , 4 , 8 , 9 bone marrow,1 adrenal glands3 and intestine3 has been reported. A single organ may be involved, or multiple organs may be affected simultaneously.5 The histologic changes in the damaged organs have not been uniform. In 1 case the heart was involved by focal necrosis of myocardial fibers,4 and in another arteritis affected the myocardium.3 Acute renal failure caused by phenylbutazone is rare. We are reporting the case presented below to correlate the histopathologic changes with those in other cases studied with renal biopsies. This . . .