Since for echo formation the off-diagonal density matrix element σab evolves from σba=σab* of the previous pulse, the eikonal ϕωt reverses sign with each pulse. If the radius of curvature of the first π2 pulse is R1, the radius of curvature of the subsequent π pulses R2, R3, etc., the radius of curvature of the photon echo which follows the second pulse is 1RE1=2R21R1, the radius of curvature of the Carr-Purcell echo following the third pulse is given by 1RE2=2R32R2+1R1, and for subsequent Carr-Purcell echoes by 1RE3=2R42R3+2R21R1, etc. The influence of motion, adiabatic collisions, and velocity-changing collisions on the decay of echo amplitude is considered for curved wave fronts. Since the change in position from the constant-velocity position is important in the decay, a statistical theory for small displacement and its relationship to the forward scattering cross section is given. These results with r3 and r6 interactions between colliding molecules are compared with the experimental data for CH3F and with an r6 potential with the data for SF6 and SiF4.

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