Effective dose from radiopharmaceuticals

The effective dose, as defined by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP 1991), provides a possibility of expressing the radiation risk to patients undergoing different radiodiagnostic procedures by means of a single figure. This has been obtained by introducing organ or tissue weighting factors reflecting the radiation sensitivity of the organs. Such weighting factors were first published by the ICRP in publication 26 (1977), and have now been revised in publication 60 (1991). The effective dose for almost all radiopharmaceuticals in clinical use has been recalculated using the new weighting factors from ICRP 60 (1991) and compared with results from former calculations. A slight decrease in the numerical value for the effective dose has been observed, on average 11%. However, this does not correspond to a decrease in the estimated risk from the irradiation, since this has been re-evaluated and found to be higher than earlier believed (NAS 1990; ICRP 1991).

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