An axial-emission ultra-high vacuum gauge

The BA gauge has been widely used in ultra-high vacuum systems for many years. However, it has some well-known disadvantages. In this paper a new ionization gauge structure, the Axial-Emission gauge (AEG) is described. The filament and the ion collector plate of the AEG are located on the two terminals of a spiral grid, respectively. The sensitivity (for N2) of the AEG is 0.281 Pa−1 (37.5 Torr−1). The distance between electrodes in the AEG has only a slight effect on the gauge sensitivity. The variation in sensitivity from gauge to gauge is less than ±5%. The ’’x-ray’’ limit of the AEG is 2.67×10−9 Pa (2×10−11 Torr). The upper limit of linearity (±5%) has been ascertained to be 5.3×10−2 Pa (4×10−4 Torr). The electrodes in the AEG are quite simple. Therefore it is easy to degas and can be used on any general purpose UHV system.

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