Endobronchial Electrocautery

Progressive respiratory failure due to massive endobronchial involvement causes death in some patients with bronchogenic carcinoma. The absence of satisfactory therapeutic modalities directed specifically at masses of endobronchial tumor has limited our ability to effectively palliate these patients. Electro-cautery is a technique which has the potential for removing large quantities of endobronchial tumor safely, painlessly , and without measurable blood loss. It is especially well suited to the patient requiring local palliation with immediate relief of airway obstruction and without a prolonged hospital stay. The report reviews: a) its use in an individual with tracheal obstruction; b) the effect of electrocautery current changes and probe type on canine trachea; and, c) the technical problems which must be considered in using endobronchial electrocautery. In the individual with tracheal obstruction, large amounts of tumor were cleared with excellent hemostasis. The canine trachea demonstrates that the amount and duration of current used are extremely important. Equipment available of gastrointestinal electrocautery can produce significant tracheal damage and must be used with great caution. Finally, fiberoptic bronchoscopes are not designed for electrocautery work, and care must be employed when performing such procedures through these instruments.

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