Polarized deep inelastic diffractiveepscattering: Operator approach

Polarized inclusive deep-inelastic diffractive scattering is dealt with in a quantum field theoretic approach. The process can be described in the general framework of nonforward scattering processes using the light-cone expansion in the generalized Bjorken region applying the generalized optical theorem. The diffractive structure functions g1D(3) and g2D(3) are calculated in the twist-2 approximation and are expressed by diffractive parton distributions, which are derived from pseudoscalar two-variable operator expectation values. In this approximation the structure function g2D(3) is obtained from g1D(3) by a Wandzura-Wilczek relation similar as for deep inelastic scattering. The evolution equations are given. We also comment on the higher twist contributions in the light-cone expansion.