Endoscopic treatment of a hypopharyngeal diverticulum was performed in 75 patients during the period 1976-1990. Initially electrocoagulation was used to divide the septum between the diverticulum and oesophagus. More recently, the CO2 laser combined with the operating microscope has been used. Although this has reduced the need for multiple endoscopic procedures compared to the electrocoagulation technique, this reduction was not statistically significant. In our follow-up group of patients, 49 (72.7%) were highly satisfied and 14 (19.6%) fairly satisfied. In this respect no significant differences between the electrocoagulation and laser group were found. Although we consider the use of the CO2 laser and operating microscope as a technical improvement of the former Dohlman procedure, further assessment needs to be done to evaluate whether laser therapy does offer an improvement in result