The Life Cycle of Cryptochlora perforans (Chlorarachniophyta)

Observations on the behaviour of different life cycle stages, gamete fusions, and measurements of nuclear DNA contents in Cryptochlora perforans resulted in a first concept concerning life histories in Chlorarachniophyta: the life cycle of Cr. perforans is diplohaplontic (gamete fusion with karyogamy ‐ mitosis ‐ meiosis ‐ mitosis). In the haploid as well as in the diploid life cycle phases amoeboid and coccoid stages occur. The isomorphic gametes are modified amoebae frequently without filopodia. Only haploid flagellate stages are known representing mito‐ or meiozoospores. Diploid coccoid stages have a granular cytoplasmic structure and may be somewhat larger than haploid ones. Nevertheless, positive identification of haploid (gametophytic) and diploid (sporophytic) stages is only possible on the basis of nuclear DNA contents.