Association of HLA‐Bw61 with asthma in the Chinese

HLA‐A and ‐B typings were detected in 93 asthmatic and 98 normal subjects, all of them of Han nationality, in Shenyang. Antigen frequencies of HLA‐A9, A10, Bw61 and Bw62 were found to be much higher than those of normal controls, and ‐A3 much lower (p <0.05). However, after the p‐values were corrected, the significant difference was only existing in HLA‐Bw61 (pc < 0.01) with a relative risk of 6.6 (HLA frequencies were 0.2366 and 0.0408 in patient group and control, respectively). Our results indicate a sigmficant association between HLA‐Bw61 and the asthmatic patients of Han nationality in Shenyang area, North‐east China.