We are developing Virtuoso, u system ,for distributed computing using virtual machines (VMs). Virtuoso must be uble to mix batch und interactive VMs on the same physical hardwure, while satisfiing constraint on re- sponsiveness und compute rates for each workload. VSched is the component of Virtuoso that provides this capability. VSched is an entirely user-level tool that interacts with the stock Linux kernel running below any type-11 virtual machine monitor to schedule VMs (indeed, any process) using a periodic real-time scheduling model. This abstraction allows compute rate and responsivness constraints to be straightforwardly described using a period und a slice within the period, and it allows,for just and simple admission control. This paper makes the case,for periodic real-time scheduling for VM-based computing environments, and then describes and evaluate.s VSched. It also applies VSched to scheduling parallel worklouds, showing that it can help a BSP application maintain a fixed stable performance despite externally caused loud imbalance.

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