Rapid Separation of Micron-Sized Particles by Field-Flow Fractionation Using Earth's Gravitational Field

This paper presents the rapid separation of latex particles of diameters 5–20 μm in a simple arrangement of the separation channel. Lift forces, which play an important role in the process, drive particles very quickly from the channel bottom, and they cause a decrease in retention times at first and then a deterioration of resolution when the flow rate increases. The magnitude of the lift forces depends on the flow rate and particle size among others. Several published observations concerning the lift forces are mentioned, and several suggested formulas for these forces are presented. Our experimental data are compared to the lift forces function which seems to be the most relevant: the function suggested by Vasseur and Cox and simplified by Kononenko and Shimkus that originates in inertial effects of the flow. The consequences of such a separation mechanism are discussed with respect to the limitations and advantages of lift forces activity.