Multiple Scattering Theory and Magnetic Properties

Spin‐polarized methods of multiple scattering are applied to study the magnetic properties of condensed systems. The material is represented as a collection of spin‐polarized scatterers, an exact calculation is made for clusters of such scatterers including boundary conditions to represent the rest of the material. The condition for the existence of spin‐polarized waves are related to enhancement, micromagnetism and ferromagnetism and to the dependance of those properties on the relative concentration in alloys. It is concluded that this one electron theory with local exchange and *“correlation” approximation, successfully includes features of both localized electron and free wave theories. Many magnetic properties can be described in terms of the self consistency conditions for the multiple scattered wave. The method is thought to be particularly useful to study amorphous solids and liquids. In principle we only need to know the scattering properties of a representative part of the system and a modified free space Green function for an scattered wave where all the information about the rest of the system is included1. The point of view adopted in this paper is a cluster method approach2 where we compute exactly the scattering properties of a selected set of clusters representative of the material and use some approximations to the boundary conditions the rest of the system impose on the wave functions. This method allows the direct calculation of the density of states, the total energy (in the statistical exchange approximation), etc. With this technique we can follow changes in local order, composition, in the pair correlation functions, etc. Computer programs have been written and currently applied to some typical alleys and pure metals. Some results are discussed.

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