To investigate the precise structure of eucaryotic primer RNA made in vivo, short DNA chains isolated from nuclei of Drosophila melanogaster embryos were analyzed. Post-labeling of 5' ends of short DNA chains with polynucleotide kinase and [gamma-32P]ATP revealed that 7% of the DNA fragments were covalently linked with mono- to octaribonucleotide primers at their 5' ends. Octaribonucleotides, the major component (ca. 30%), formed the cap structure in the reaction with vaccinia guanylyltransferase and [alpha-32P]GTP, indicating that they were the intact primer RNA with tri- (or di-) phosphate termini, and the shorter ribooligomers were degradation intermediates. The intact primers started with purine (A/G ratio, 4:1), and the starting few ribonucleotide residues were rich in A.