An Expeditious Route toStreptococciandEnterococciGlycolipidsViaRing-Opening of 1,2-Anhydrosugars with Protic Acids

1,2-Anhydroglucose 6 reacts smoothly and with a high degree of stereoselectivity with a variety of carboxylic and phosphoric acids resulting in the formation of the predominantly β-oriented 1-O-acyl and 1-O-phosphorylglucoses 7-17. This methodology has been successfully applied in the construction of glycolipids 1a,b. Ring-opening of the 1,2-anhydroglucose derivative 19 with benzoic acid furnished exclusively the β-aligned key intermediate 20. Subsequent ICDT-assisted chemoselective α-glucosylation of 20 with thioethyl donor 21, followed by glycosidation of kojibiosyl benzoate 22 with glycerol acceptor 23 gave the fully protected α-diglucosyl glycerol derivative 25, which upon desilylation (→28), acylation (→29 or 30) and deprotection afforded the target glycolipids 1a-b in high overall yield.

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