Hepatic lipase C-480T polymorphism modifies the effect of HDL cholesterol on the risk of acute myocardial infarction in men: a prospective population based study

The study subjects were from the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIHD). The study protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Kuopio. A total of 2682 men from Eastern Finland, aged 42, 48, 54, or 60, were examined from 1984 to 1989. A DNA sample was available for 1263 of the men. A subpopulation of 480 men, which consisted of 160 men who developed AMI between the years 1985 and 1997, and two matched controls for each of them, was selected for this study. The average follow up time was nine years. To ensure the comparability of the control subjects, they were drawn from the same cohort (KIHD) as the cases. The controls were matched according to age, smoking, dietary iron, dietary saturated fatty acids, dietary cholesterol, and hair mercury content. In addition, examination year and month and the place of residence were identical for each case and the corresponding control. Because of inadequate blood samples, 94 of the men were excluded, leaving 386 men (126 men with AMI and 260 controls) for the final analysis. All participants gave written informed consent.