Variation in Cadmium Accumulation Potential and Tissue Distribution of Cadmium in Tobacco

Variation in Cd accumulation between Nicotiana species but not varieties has been observed in seedlings grown in solution culture with moderate-to-low levels of Cd. Nicotiana tabacum has been characterized as a leaf and root accumulator while Nicotiana rustica is shown to be primarily a root accumulator, having about half the leaf Cd per gram dry weight of N. tabacum. This phenotype is retained in the mature N. rustica plant. To characterize these two species which differ in their modes of Cd accumulation, tissue Cd distribution, partitioning of metal in soluble and insoluble fractions and the contribution of soluble Cd-binding proteins (peptides) to total plant Cd was assessed using mature solution cultured plants. Metal accumulation was highest in the most mature leaves and in young roots. The preponderance of young roots in N. rustica may, in part, account for low leaf/high root Cd accumulation in this species. While Cd-binding peptides appear to be a principal form of Cd in leaves and roots of seedlings and these also occur in mature leaves, Cd is equally distributed between soluble (about 80% as Cd-binding peptide) and uncharacterized insoluble forms in mature plant roots.