Renal Transplantation and Cancer. The Scandia Transplant Material

Between 1965 and 1973, 30 malignant tuniours were found in patients transplanted in Scandinavia. Of these tumours, 24 were found in the 1,254 patients transplanted in Scandinavia as part of the Scandia Transplant Programme between 1969 and 1972. Using the inforniation recorded in the programme, 418 Danish patients who received their first and only transplant between 1969 and 1972 were selected and followed until 31/12 1973. Twelve tumours occurred in these patients. A comparison with the expected age, sex and time-specific incidence rates from the Danish Cancer Register was made and the observed tumour incidence was found to be significantly (P < 0.001) greater than expected. Tumour incidence was found to be associated with inconipatibility in the FOUR series, but was unrelated to number of rejections, the presence of HL-A antibodies and sex differcnce between donor and recipient. Apart from certain special forms of immunosuppression which could be oncogenic, the cause of tumour development appears to be rnultifactorial, both the allograft itself and imniunosuppressive treatment playing a role.