ExperimentalOstertagiainfection of sheep: Pathology following a single high dose of larvae

Extract One, of the authors (Elliott, 1974 Elliott, D. C. 1974. Experimental Ostertagia infection of sheep: Worm populations resulting from single and multiple larval doses. N.Z. J. exp. Agric., 2: 109–113. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] ) noted that two sheep developed severe inappetance and listlessness five days after dosing with infective Ostertagia larvae, at rates of 1 × 106 and 1.4 × 106, respectively. The higher dosed animal died 10 days after dosing, showing at autopsy a severe abomasitis, while the other sheep recovered. Death of a sheep following a single high dose of Ostertagia larvae had not aparently been previously reported