The wavelength dependence of u.v.-induced pyrimidine dimer formation, cell killing and mutation induction in human diploid skin fibroblasts

In this study, we determined the wavelength dependence of u.v.-induced pyrimidine dimer formation, cell killing and mutation induction in human diploid skin fibroblasts. Pyrimidine dimers were quantified using the T4 endo-nuclease V assay, cell killing was measured as loss of colony forming ability and mutation induction was detected at the HPRT locus. U.v. irradiation was performed with monochromatic light of four different wavelengths (254, 297, 302 and 365 nm) and with polychromatic light of a Philips TL-01 lamp (predominantly 312 nm). The relative wavelength dependence for cell killing and mutation induction did not correlate with that for dimer formation. Toxicity and muta-genicity per equivalent initial dimer load increase with increasing wavelength. The relative wavelength dependence for cell killing and mutation induction is essentially the same, except at 365 nm.