The role of fibrin in tumor metastasis

A volume of data that has accumulated for over a century has suggested that fibrin may facilitate the persistence and progression of malignancy. Techniques that have been developed recently have shown that fibrin is indeed a component of the connective tissue stroma in human malignancy but in only a few tumor types. However, therapeutic intervention studies with drugs that limit thrombin activity or enhance fibrinolysis have shown favorable clinical effects in at least one such tumor type. These favorable findings affirm the concept that cause-and-effect relationships do, in fact, exist between thrombin generation with fibrin formation and tumor progression, and suggest that a rational basis exists for the design of future drug intervention trials that target reactions relevant to specific tumor types. These findings also provide a basis for the design of experiments capable of defining further the role of fibrin in the integrity of these tumor types. Because fibrinogen is found much more commonly than fibrin in the connective tissue of a variety of human malignancies, attention might reassumably be directed to determining the possible contribution of this molecule as well as of fibrin to tumor progression.