Unusual Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of the Sellar Region in Subjects with Hypopituitarism: Report of 4 Cases

Out of 323 consecutive growth hormone deficient patients who underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we describe the clinical and neuroradiological characteristics of four patients in whom MRI revealed unusual pictures of the sellar area. They were selected as unique in their morphological picture and representative of rare conditions. At presentation all subjects had short stature, growth hormone (GH) deficiency and complex phenotypical abnormalities. Patient 1. Female affected by vaginal atresia and sinus urogenitalis, polydactyly and syndactyly with Y-shaped metacarpals. MRI at age 11.2 years revealed normal pituitary, but hypothalamic mass occupying the suprasellar and interpeduncular cistern. The diagnosis of Hall-Pallister syndrome was made. Patients 2 and 3. Two sisters with a history of epilepsy both showing mild intellectual deficiency, midface hypoplasia and ectodermal dysplasia. MRI at age 8 and 12 years respectively displayed in both cases a round hypointensity protruding from the dorsum sellae into a normal pituitary. The diagnosis was sellar spine. Patient 4. Male with a history of postnatal hypoglycemia showing microphallus and clinical features of severe hypopituitarism. Hormonal evaluation at age 8 months confirmed multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies and MRI at age 6 years showed absent anterior lobe, rudimentary stalk and posterior lobe ectopia. The diagnosis was pituitary aplasia. The patients described show that MRI in pituitary dwarfs can reveal unusual intrasellar findings and allow the correct diagnosis of rare syndromes. Our patients also demonstrate the wide variability in the association of hypopituitarism with midline congenital abnormalities and the possible combination with complex syndromes.