Pathological changes of spontaneous dual infection of tuberculosis and paratuberculosis in beef cattle.

Four cases of spontaneous dual infection of tuberculosis and paratuberculosis in beef cattle, first noticed in Japan, were examined pathologically. All of the cattle were from the same limited area of Hokkaido island. Tuberculous lesions were found in 2-9 organs, including the liver, lung, kidney and mesenteric lymph nodes, and granulomas showed the same appearance as in the case of single infection. Paratuberculous lesions characterized by intracellular short acid-fast bacilli were found in the jejunum, ileum, cecum and the draining lymp nodes, but they were not severe. The mesenteric lymph nodes revealed both tuberculous and paratuberculous lesions, and in 2 of the 4 cases both types of granulomas were present in the same sections. In such sections, short acid-fast bacilli were not numerous in granulomas adjacent to tuberculous lesions.