Development of the Attitudes Toward Feminist Issues Scale

The 120 resolutions of the 1970 national convention platform of the National Organization for Women were paraphrased to form items for the nine subscales of the Attitudes Toward Feminist Issues Scale, which was given to students in introductory women's studies and introductory psychology on the first day of class and at the end of the respective courses three months later. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were computed to determine the test-retest reliability of subscale scores and total score from the precourse and postcourse administrations of the scale to the introductory psychology students. The test-retest reliability coefficients for the subscale scores and total score were above.70 for all subscales except child care and education. The students' subscale scores and total score on the Attitudes Toward Feminist Issues Scale were submitted to a three-factor analysis of variance; the two independent groups factors were student sex and course type. The repeated measure factor was precourse and postcourse administration of the scale.

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