A Simple Oscillometric Technique for Determining New Indices of Arterial Distensibility.

Recently, oscillometric devices have been developed that can measure blood pressure in the extremities and analyze pulse volume record. On the basis of the extremity pulse volume record, these devices can automatically determine three types of simply measured pulse wave velocity (PWV) (brachial PWV: heart to right upper arm; R-PWV: right upper arm-right ankle; and L-PWV: right upper arm-left ankle). The percent mean pulse volume record (%MPVR=the height that bisects the area of the pulse volume record⁄pulse pressure ×100), a quantitative index of right brachial pulse volume record, can also be determined. To evaluate the usefulness of these new indices, we studied 1, 067 consecutive subjects undergoing health checkups (648 men, 419 women; mean age, 50±9 years). In both sexes, age correlated positively with simply measured PWVs (men, brachial PWV: r =0.46, pr =0.46, pr =0.47, pr =0.37, pr =0.47, pr =0.48, pr =-0.40, pr =-0.45, pr =0.76, pr =0.43, pr =0.43, pr =-0.35, pHypertens Res 2002; 25: 351-358)