Many clinicians are committed to giving feedback to clients about assessment results, but puzzle over how to integrate Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory—2 (MMPI-2) and Rorschach findings when talking to clients. When the two tests agree, findings may be combined and assessors may use the language of clients' Rorschach percepts to frame findings from the MMPI-2 or the Structural Summary. When the Rorschach shows more disturbance than the MMPI-2, assessors may discuss "levels of personality," praise clients for their usual coping mechanisms, and raise the possibility of underlying problems. When the Rorschach depicts less psychopathology than the MMPI-2, clinicians may talk with Clients about factors influencing them to present as needing help. Alternatively, assessors may hypothesize that clients constrict emotionally in interpersonal, unstructured situations.