Differential dynamics of Rab3A and Rab27A on secretory granules

We have assessed the dynamics of the association of Rab3A and Rab27A with secretory granules at various stages of their life in PC12 cells. Endogenous Rab3A colocalised with the secretory granule marker secretogranin II (SGII) and expressed EGFP-Rab3A and ECFP-Rab27A colocalised with one another. The extent of colocalisation between EGFP-Rab3A or EGFP-Rab27 and SGII increased after longer times post transfection suggesting that these Rab proteins are preferentially recruited to newly synthesised granules. Following the release of immature secretory granules from the trans-Golgi network, Rab3A and Rab27A became associated with the immature granules after a lag period of around 20 minutes. Rab dynamics on granules were analysed in fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments. The recovery profile of EGFP-Rab27A was comparable to that of ppANF-EGFP, whereas the recovery profile of EGFP-Rab3A was significantly faster, indicating that Rab3A but not Rab27A might be rapidly exchanged between granules and cytosol. Inhibition of heat-shock protein 90 with 10 μM geldanamycin did not affect the exchange process or regulated exocytosis. Rab dynamics during stimulation with 300 μM ATP were analysed in live cells. Loss of granular ppANF-EGFP fluorescence was seen at the cell periphery after stimulation but only limited changes in EGFP-Rab3A and EGFP-Rab27A fluorescence was observed, indicating that the Rab proteins do not immediately dissociate or disperse on stimulation. The data suggest potentially distinct roles for Rab3A and Rab27A and we suggest that the finding that young secretory granules have a higher capacity for binding Rab3A and Rab27A is functionally important for preferential exocytosis from these granules.