Mucosal Morphology of Ileal Conduits with Particular Reference to Urinary Infections

Mucosal biopsies were obtained for histological and electron microscopical studies from 20 patients with ileal urinary conduits. Special interest was focused on problems of urinary tract infections and their possible role in the pathogenesis of these changes. Chronic inflammation with mild to total villous atrophy was found as well as reduction in the amount of mucosal glands. Ultrastructurally the main cellular elements of the ileal epithelium and mucosa were preserved. The age of the conduit did not seem to be decisive in the histological findings. Also recurrent infections could not be shown to be responsible for the changes in the conduit mucosa. In irradiated patients, fibrotic changes in the lamina propria of the conduit mucosa were apparent and the microvilli especially short and scanty.