Despite the widespread distribution of Callitris glaucophylla J.Thompson & L.Johnson (white cypress pine) over large areas of eastern Australia, little is known about its impact on the diversity and cover of understorey plants. We examined C. glaucophylla woodlands to see whether stand density and land management influenced the cover and composition of the understorey vegetation. The cover and diversity of understorey plant communities were measured at 83 sites along a gradient in average annual rainfall (215–532 mm) in eastern Australia. The diversity and cover of understorey plants and the cover of trees increased, and the composition of the understorey community changed with increases in average annual rainfall. There were no clear relationships, however, between tree cover or density, and the cover or diversity of understorey plants. Sites that had not been logged contained significantly greater proportions of native and perennial vascular plants, and sites with extant eucalypts had a significantly higher proportion of shrubs than those sites without eucalypts. We attributed these differences to past forestry disturbance regimes which are correlated with the presence of mature eucalypts. Our results do not support the proposition that dense stands of C. glaucophylla suppress the understorey vegetation.