Fourier Self-Deconvolved Infrared Spectra as an Aid to Conformational Studies on Poly(Vinyl Chloride)

Fourier self-deconvolution has been used to enhance the detail present in the carbon-chlorine stretching region of the infrared spectra of three samples of polyvinyl chloride) covering a range of syndiotacticities. The results are of interest both as a good example of the scope and limitations of Fourier self-deconvolution and because they complement the information on the conformational structure of these polymers obtained previously by other peak-finding methods. In the former context, the results show that the use of varying degrees of over-deconvolution is advantageous in dealing with systems of overlapping bands having a range of half widths. With respect to the conformational structure of poly(vinyl chloride), the most significant conclusion is that the frequency of the B1 mode of long syndiotactic sequences is dependent on both polymer tacticity and the form in which the sample is examined. The implications of this finding for the use of curve fitting are discussed briefly.