Experimental results are presented on the mechanisms of tensile cyclic fatigue crack growth in an A1203‐33‐vol%‐SiC‐whisker composite at 1400°C. The ceramic composite exhibits subcritical fatigue crack propagation at stress‐intensity‐fator values far below the fracture toughness. The fatigue characterized by the stressintensity‐factor range, ΔK, and crack propagation rates are found to be strongly sensitive to the mean stress (load ratio) and the frequency of the fatigue cycle. Detailed transmission electron microscopy of the fatigue crack‐tip region, in conjunction with optical microscopy, reveals that the principal mechanism of permanent damage ahead of the advancing crack is the nucleation and growth of interfacial flaws. The oxidation of Sic whiskers in the crack‐tip region leads to the formation of a silica‐glass phase in the 1400°C air environment. The viscous flow of glass causes debonding of the whisker‐matrix interface; the nucleation, growth, and coalescence of interfacial cavities aids in developing a diffuse microcrack zone at the fatigue crack tip. The shielding effect and periodic crack branching promoted by the microcracks result in an apparently benefcial fatigue crack‐growth resistance in the A1203—SiC composite, as compared with the unreinforced alumina with a comparable grain size. A comparison of static and cyclic load crack velocities is provided to gain insight into the mechanisms of elevated temperature fatigue in ceramic composites.