Directed Self-Assembly of Two Kinds of Nanoparticles Utilizing Monolayer Films of Diblock Copolymer Micelles

We demonstrated a self-assembly of two different kinds of nanoparticles simultaneously directed on a monolayer film of diblock copolymer micelles via physical and chemical arrangements. We first incorporated gold nanoparticles physically around the micelles of a monolayer film of PS-PVP micelles having a short-range hexagonal order. Iron oxide nanoparticles were then synthesized chemically in the PVP core area of the ordered micelles, resulting in a mosaic nanopattern of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles surrounded by metallic gold nanoparticles. Thus, we were able to direct two kinds of nanoparticles to self-assemble in the specific positions as an example of controlled fabrication of nanometer-sized building blocks.