In embryological work using vital dyes it is highly desirable to be able to study the distribution of the dyes in fixed material, whether examined in toto or after embedding in paraffin and serial sectioning. However, both fixation and dehydration present problems for the preservation of colour in vitally stained cells. Some fixatives preserve some dyes but, so far as I am aware, none will preserve all the vital dyes in common use. On the other hand, ethyl alcohol destroys or dissolves all vital dyes and its use in dehydration is thus undesirable. Among the fixatives that have been proposed are those of Golowin (1902), Mitamura (1923), Parat & Painlevé (1925), and Tchéou Tai Chuin (1930) for neutral red; that of Izquierdo (1955) for toluidine blue; that of Gérard (1925) for Trypan blue; that of Turchini (1919) for methylene blue; that of Lehmann (1929) for Nile blue.

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