Biplane Computed Tomography of Intracranial Meningiomas with Extracranial Extension

Of 130 intracranial meningiomas [in humans] evaluated by biplane computed tomography (CT), axial transverse and coronal, 15 had direct extracranial extension. These include 5 pterional meningiomas en plaque with extension to the orbit and temporal fossa; 3 subfrontal meningiomas invading the paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity or orbit; 3 posterior fossa meningiomas with extracranial extension to the neck; 3 hyperostosing parasagittal meningiomas with extracranial tumors; and 1 tuberculum sellae meningioma with spread to the optic sheath. Biplane CT is of value in delineating the precise extent of the tumor, intracranially and extracranially, as well as in evaluating bony changes such as hyperostosis or destruction.