The ecology and behavior of the high‐andean butterflyhypsochila wagenknechti(lepidoptera: Pieridae)

Hypsochila wagenknechti, a little‐known white butterfly of the high Andes, was studied afield in the Cordon del Cepo, central Chile, and in the puna of northern Argentina, Naturally‐occurring host plants are Car‐damine nivalis and Lepidium suffruticosum (Cruciferae). Eggs are commonly laid in small groups, rather than singly as in most Pierini. Ovipositing females are highly selective, preferring larger plants located in the ecotone between streamside bog and scree. Larvae feed singly. Mate‐location is by hilltopping. Both inter‐ and intraspecific interactions are common at or near hilltops.