Magnetic Field Dependence of Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling and Coherence of Ferromagnetic Particle

We calculate the quantum tunneling rate of a ferromagnetic particle of $\sim 100 \AA$ diameter in a magnetic field of arbitrary angle. We consider the magnetocrystalline anisotropy with the biaxial symmetry and that with the tetragonal symmetry. Using the spin-coherent-state path integral, we obtain approximate analytic formulas of the tunneling rates in the small $\epsilon (=1- H/H_c)$-limit for the magnetic field normal to the easy axis ($\theta_H = \pi/2$), for the field opposite to the initial easy axis ($\theta_H = \pi$), and for the field at an angle between these two orientations ($\pi/2 << \theta_H << \pi$). In addition, we obtain numerically the tunneling rates for the biaxial symmetry in the full range of the angle $\theta_H$ of the magnetic field ($\pi/2 < \theta_H \leq \pi$), for the values of \epsilon =0.01 and 0.001.

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