Apparent quantum efficiency effects in CdTe solar cells

Quantum efficiencymeasurements of n- CdS /p- CdTe solar cells performed under nonstandard illumination, voltage bias, or both can be severely distorted by photogeneration and contact-barrier effects. In this work we will discuss the effects that are typically observed, the requirements needed to reproduce these effects with modeling tools, and the potential applications of apparent quantum efficiency analysis. Recently published experimental results are interpreted and reproduced using numerical simulation tools. The suggested model explains large negative apparent quantum efficiencies (≫100%) seen in the spectral range of 350–550 nm, modestly large negative apparent quantum efficiencies (>100%) in the spectral range of 800–850 nm, enhanced positive or negative response observed under red, blue, and white light bias, and photocurrent gain significantly different from unity. Some of these effects originate from the photogeneration in the highly compensated CdS window layer, some from photogeneration within the CdTe, and some are further modified by the height of the CdTe back-contact barrier.