Effect of Increased Carbon Dioxide Concentrations on Fixed Acid Production in Vitro

When bicarbonate concn. is kept constant, rat and dog tissues incubated at 10, 15 and 20% CO2 produce less lactic acid than do duplicate tissues incubated at 5% CO2. This change in lactic acid production is reversed if the Krebs cycle is inhibited by malonate or arsenite. If the pH is kept constant at 7.4, rat and dog tissues incubated at 10, 15 and 20% CO2 produce more lactic acid than do duplicate tissues incubated at 5% CO2. At pH 6.8-7.1 this effect is diminished or absent. Human tissue, like rat and dog tissue, shows an increased production of lactic acid in an iso-pH system as the CO2 concn. is increased and a decreased production of lactic acid in an isobicarbonate system at CO2 concns. of 15 and 20%.

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