The Changing Face of Information System Issues in Small Firms

CAROL E. POLLARD IS WITH THE FACULTY OF Management, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and Stephen C. Hayne is with the School of Management, Arizona State University West, Phoenix, USA. This study provides insights into the information technology concerns of small firms and indicates ways in which small firms are managing technological challenges and opportunities. A national survey of small Canadian firms was conducted using a modified Delphi technique and follow-up telephone interviews. (ritical information systems issuies identified include 1) using IS for competitive advantages; 2) improving IS project management practices; 3) improving the effectiveness of software development. A comparison with recent sttudies to identify recent trends in IS issues reveals that the issues faced by small Caniadian firms have changed. Small firms are lagging large firms where the technology is concerned but are similar on conceptual issues. We believe that small firms will continue to desire more internal control over operations ancl consequently adopt more technology. Hardware and software qualitx and reliability will stay at the forefront of their worries. Furthermore, as conmmunications become more mission critical, i.e. electronic mail and electronic data interchanige, small firms will embrace network technologx. Managing communications max become a very critical problem for small business.