Transplantation of rat metanephroi into mice

To determine whether transplanted metanephroi grow and differentiate after implantation into the omentum in hosts of a different species, we implanted metanephroi from embryonic day 15 (E15) rat embryos into uninephrectomized mice (hosts). Some host mice received human CTLA4Ig (hCTLA4Ig), anti-CD45RB, and anti-CD154 (tolerance-inducing agents). E15 metanephroi contained only metanephric blastema, segments of ureteric bud, and primitive nephrons with no glomeruli. Rat metanephroi did not grow or differentiate in mice that received no tolerance-inducing agents. However, by 2 wk posttransplantation in mice that received hCTLA4Ig, anti-CD45RB, and anti-CD154, metanephroi from E15 rats had enlarged, become vascularized, and formed mature tubules and glomeruli. Rat metanephroi contained cells that stained specifically for mouse CD31, a marker for sprouting endothelial cells. Some rat glomerular capillary loops stained positively for mouse CD31. Here, we show that chimeric kidneys develop from metanephroi transplanted rat→mouse and that glomeruli are vascularized, at least in part, by host vessels.