Antibody-mediated suppression of bone marrow colony formation in vitro

Antisera to mouse brain reacts with hematopoietic stem cells in the mouse bone marrow. We have examined the effect of anti-mouse brain serum (AMBS) on the development of in vitro colonies from mouse bone marrow cells. The addition of 5% AMBS to the cultures markedly decreased the numbers of colonies formed to an average of 10% of the number obtained with normal rabbit serum. AMBS suppressed formation induced by colony stimulating factors (CSF) derived from three different sources; serum from endotoxin treated mice, mouse L-cell conditioned media, and human peripheral blood mononuclear cell conditioned media. The suppressive activity was quantitatively recovered in the IgG fraction of AMBS. Divalent F (ab′) 1 AHBS, rabbit anti-human brain serum; AMBS, rabbit anti-mouse brain serum; BM, bone marrow; CFU-C, colony forming unit in vitro; CFU-S, spleen colony forming unit; CSF, colony stimulating factor; FCS, fetal calf serum; MEM, minimal essential medium; NRS, normal rabbit serum; PBS, 0.01 M sodium phosphate, 0.15 M sodium chloride, pH 7.4. fragments were as effective as the intact IgG in decreasing colony formation. Fab fragments were not suppressive. These results suggest that colony formation is induced via a dynamic interaction between CSF and the progenitor cell membrane, and that antibody directed at cell membrane antigen(s) interferes with the generation of the induction signal.