The case against aggressive treatment of type 2 diabetes: critique of the UK prospective diabetes study Commentary: UKPDS is well designed and clinically important

MethodsI searched Medline (Ovid's CD version) from 1976 to March 2000, using various combinations of the keywords “UKPDS” and “prospective diabetes study” and the names of the principal authors of the study's reports. I reviewed the resulting articles for any description of the design of the UKPDS. I reviewed reference lists for other references.References 1.↵ Ewart RM .The UKPDS: what was the question? [letter]Lancet1999;353: 1882. 2. Turner R, Holman R, Butterfield J .UKPDS: what was the question? [letter]Lancet1999;354: 600. 3. Holman RR, Turner RC .Diabetes: the quest for basal normoglycaemia.Lancet1977;i:469–474. 4.↵ Turner RC, Mann JI, Peto R .UK prospective study of therapies of maturity-onset diabetes [letter].Diabetologia1984;27: 419. 5.↵ American Diabetes Association .Position statement: screening for type 2 diabetes.Diabetes Care2000;23(suppl 1). (accessed 20 Jul 2001). (American Diabetes Association clinical practice recommendations 2000.) 6.↵ UK prospective study of therapies of maturity-onset diabetes .1. Effect of diet, sulphonylurea, insulin or biguanide therapy on fasting plasma glucose and body weight over one year.Diabetologia1983;24:404–411. 7.↵ UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group .UK prospective diabetes study (UKPDS). VIII. Study design, progress and performance.Diabetologia1991;34:877–890. 8.↵ UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) Group .Intensive blood-glucose control with sulphonylureas or insulin compared with conventional treatment and risk of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33).Lancet1998;352:837–853. 9.↵ UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group .UK prospective diabetes study 16. Overview of 6 years' therapy of type II diabetes: a progressive disease.Diabetes1995;44:1249–1258.