Archrtectural issues in the Interoperability between mans and the atm network

In this paper two new, rapidly emerging network concepts are examined. Asynchronous Transfer Mode and Metwpolitan Area Networks. An evolution strategy is outlined which, taking into account the different time frames foreseen for the introduction of the two technologies, exploits their synergies. The final ain is the design and the implementatiot; high performance public network infiastructure mainly targeted to business services In a secondpart of thepaper some technical issues concern ing the interwarking of AL4Ns and the ATM network are addressed, with some passible solutions regarding the signal ling protocols, the support of various Opes of traffic and the network management Finally, the i"ct ofthe various alternatives on thefunctions ofthe bruerwarking un its and on the architectural issue.% still open in the development of the two concepts, are briefly discussed

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