Decreased Plasma Ubiquinone-10 Concentration in Patients with Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency

Patients with mevalonate kinase deficiency suffer from psychomotor retardation, ataxia with progredient cerebellar atrophy, and myopathy. The pathophysiology of the disease remains unclear. The mevalonate kinase product, cholesterol, is within the normal range in patient plasma and fibroblasts. In search of the pathophysiology of this disorder, another mevalonate kinase product, ubiquinone-10, was studied. The concentrations of ubiquinone-10 in patient plasma (n = 6) and ubiquinol-10 in patient LDL (n = 2) and the synthesis of ubiquinone-10 in patient fibroblasts (n = 4) were determined. After oxidative modification of LDL by copper in vitro, the concentrations of α-tocopherol and polyunsaturated fatty acids in LDL and the relative electrophoretic mobility of LDL were measured to determine the antioxidant capacity of LDL samples of two affected siblings. The ubiquinone-10 concentrations in plasma samples (median = 508 μg/L, range = 488–642 μg/L) versus controls (median = 613 μg/L, range = 564–809 μg/L; p < 0.005) were decreased. In LDL samples of two affected siblings, the concentration of ubiquinol-10 and the resistance to oxidation in vitro were found decreased during intercurrent patient crisis condition. In patient fibroblasts (median = 533 dpm/mg protein, range = 399–1 047 dpm/mg protein) versus controls (median = 40 731 dpm/mg protein, range = 12 774–54 739 dpm/mg protein), the synthesis of ubiquinone was found to be decreased. We conclude that mevalonate kinase deficiency leads to a decreased synthesis of ubiquinone-10 and that ubiquinone-10 deficiency is responsible for the clinical progression of this disease characterized by increased lipid peroxidation, cerebellar atrophy, cataract development, and myopathy with increased creatine kinase activity.